If there are two things we love around here, it’s oodles of happiness and big ol’ projects. So when we heard there was a two-for-one deal on special, we went running. The Happiness Project does double duty to deliver.
We could relate to the project’s inspiration. Gretchen Rubin realized one day that her beautiful life was passing by unacknowledged. Despite a wonderful marriage, rewarding career, and growing family, the author kept waiting for life to start. For things to get better. Happier. It’s an all-too-familiar tale, we’re sorry to say.
But when she realized she was short-changing herself, she got off her duff. Atta girl! She turned happiness into a project. She read every book she could find. She made lists and charts and resolutions—and spent a year making them happen. There were lots of gold stars.
And guess what? She got happier. She has the bar graph to prove it.
The Happiness Project is one part lit review of thousands of years of happiness findings, one part entertaining memoir, and one part super handy how-to guide. Something for everyone, in other words.
Learn from the latest research and oldest wisdom what makes people happier. Listen to Gretchen’s stories for tricks to try in your own project. Heck, she’ll even lend you some tools to get you started. She’s cool like that.
So spend a year with Gretchen, getting happier. You’ll even smile more just reading it.
There’s your first gold star!
Get your copy here.