Your spirit’s thirsty and we know a place where it can be quenched.
Unity Yoga Teahouse, with its spacious, comfortable practice rooms, wide variety of yoga styles and instructors, and intimate tea room offers full-service spiritual and physical renewal all under one roof.
With 10 styles of yoga and more than 15 instructors bringing years of experience to every session, this is one rich deep well.
One block from East Van’s Commercial Drive Skytrain station and cozied up in the cultural heart of Vancouver, Unity’s holistically designed yoga studio creates an atmosphere of calm and focus. Everyone from children to grandparents can find a class right for them.
Unity offers Introduction to Yoga classes for beginners right through to more challenging classes for the advanced yogi. Study the yoga sets as they’ve been practiced for centuries or get with the now and try something new: Bellyfit’s blend of bellydance, African dance and Bollywood mixed with Yoga, Pilates and Meditation will teach new moves to even the most seasoned yogis. And every season brings a renewal of special events, workshops, and classes.
Classes will satiate, but let’s not forget about that thirst. Take a time-out from the daily grind or extend the zen after class by relaxing in the tranquility of the cozy tea room. Meet a friend and treat yourself to the full array of Unity Teas; Fair Trade, Certified Organic, and guaranteed to soothe.
Finding a place with yoga classes, comfy beanbag chairs, and free Wi-Fi is an extraordinary event.
So drink up.