November 12th, 2014
New day, new trendy health claim. It's tough to keep up and even tougher to know which are worthy of your wallet. We break 'em down & call in the experts for the truth behind the trend.
Dry Brushing.
A trend that started, oh a couple centuries ago - this technique is all about showin' some love to our body's biggest organ: the skin.
Like the kidneys, our dermis plays a big role in detoxing. In fact, it's been dubbed the "third kidney¯!"
The basic concept is that with the proper dry brushing technique, the skin is left exfoliated and better able to excrete toxins, allegedly minimizing skin outbreaks and (gasp!) the appearance of cellulite. Not only that, you get a two-for-one-deal as brushing is said to increase lymphatic flow.
How to Do It
1. Using a soft natural bristle brush (ideally with a long handle) strip down to your birthday suit and get to work.
2. Ensure your skin is dry and starting at your feet and work up towards your centre. Brush over your behind and belly then move on to your hands; working up the arms, always moving toward the heart.
3. Brush in long, soft strokes, avoiding any spots with broken skin.
4. When you're done hop in the tub and rinse off (for an added skin bonus, rub yourself down in almond, coconut or sesame oil and keep on for 10-15 minutes before heading into the tub).
5. Repeat daily.
Want to know what the experts have to say before givin' it a go?
Dr. Laura Imola: Massaging the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, glands and nerve endings imbedded in the skin moves toxins to the visceral filters of the body, such as the liver and kidneys. Simultaneously, dead skin cells are sloughed off. The combination of these actions facilitates whole body detoxification and keeps our skin soft, supple and youthful!¯
Joy McCarthy: Dry brushing allows skin to breathe better by unclogging pores and stimulates the lymphatic system to better eliminate toxins. This system is a network of vessels that holds more fluid than you have blood in your body, which is constantly exchanging nutrients with the blood and picking up waste products for elimination. Dry brushing is seriously invigorating and beautifying. When you aid the body, especially the skin, to more effectively release toxins, you'll glow.
Keen to get started? Click here for a nifty visual how-to guide and just in case you weren't yet convinced. And to get your hands on your own dry brush and hop on this trend train, head to your local health and wellness store like Planet Organic & Whole Foods Market.
Niki Boileau from Vancouver, British Columbia
Niki is a lover of learning - she’d study every imaginable topic if she could, including Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts. As her patient boyfriend will attest, she’s obsessed with going just a bit further to see around every bend on the beach and peak of land in the mountains. Her friends will tell you she likes to hug trees, occasionally walks too fast, and makes really tasty porridge. She’s a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Instructor and all-around life and wellness enthusiast.
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