“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
Remember when you used to play dress up with your girlfriends, just because it was fun?
Or when you would climb that big tree in your backyard to feel like you were on top of the world?
I assume you’re good at the whole living thing, but when was the last time you felt really, truly, alive?
I want to create a revolution around feeling alive again.
It is this desire that is at the source of the Come Alive Workshop. This 4-part online webinar series was created to support you in creating a life that lights you up. From setting goals that catalyze you into action to seeing fear as an ally, this workshop covers the foundations of what you need to live a life that you love.
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer back in 2010. Facing my mortality made me
want to live more than I ever had wanted to before. This life transforming experience gave me some of the most powerful life lessons that I continue to embrace. One of these lessons was the realization that being healthy and happy were the best things that I could do to make a difference in the world.
This lesson, combined with the discovery of Howard Thurman’s wise words above, put me on a mission to help others do whatever it is that makes them come alive.
This soul-affirming workshop is only offered once a year. With the permanent back-to-school mentality that resides with September, fall is a great time to reset your intentions and
get back into action.
Are you in?
Melissa Colleret from Montreal, Quebec
Melissa Colleret is a life coach, yoga instructor and love enthusiast based in Montreal. Sharing her mission to make you come alive and live your best life keeps this multi-passionate entrepreneur on her toes. From 1:1 sessions, online workshops, yoga classes and an online health business, Melissa wakes up every day wanting to inspire and empower. Creating vision boards while sipping on a glass of Cabernet is her jam. Haagan Daas ice cream is her vice. She thinks jump-high fives are the best. Find out more about her at www.melissacolleret.com or through Facebook and Instagram.
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