All the clients at the Britannia Clinic have their head screwed on straight.
Dr. Gordon Hasick opened the chiropractic clinic in 1980 promoting the NUCCA procedure, a precise method implemented to correct a small misalignment of the neck. This non-invasive gentle adjustment can affect whole body balance, increase nervous system function and optimize overall wellbeing.
Your first visit will include an extensive evaluation of your individual health. An X-ray may be required if they suspect your spine has taken to some crooked ways. From these tests and X-rays, the straight-shooters at Britannia will craft a custom correction plan that’s just for you.
Each chiropractic program is unique. For some, it’s a single adjustment that straightens them out while others need to take a longer road to recovery. Either way, the proof is in the pudding and the pudding is made up of X-rays that show you just what a stand up person you’ve become.
Britannia also offers an array of Health Creation Tools. Ratchet up your recovery with self-study videos, audio programs, books, vitamin and nutritional supplements, pillows, back supports and environmental products to improve the quality of your air, water and sleep.
At Britannia Clinic an integrated team works to alleviate your health concerns by offering programs of hope and healing. NUCCA offers a conservative approach that is specific to you and works to enhance your body's own ability to be well.
Doesn’t that sound like a rational approach to straightening out your health problems?