You could also use this list to up your Kindness ante – accomplishing multiple kind acts every day!
Make a POSITIVE comment on a blog or article.
Donate used clothing.
Leave a generous tip.
Give an inspirational book to a friend.
Let someone behind you in line go in front of you.
Approach your yoga teacher/ spin instructor/ other and thank them for the great class.
Eat lunch with someone new/ invite someone to sit with you.
Offer your seat on the bus or in a busy waiting room.
Be nice behind the wheel. Wave to say ‘thanks’ and let people in.
Buy a meatball sub for a stray dog.
Bring your mug/dishes back to the counter/bus bin after you’re done at a busy coffee shop.
Shovel your neighbour’s sidewalk.
Hug a librarian.
Give your compliments to the chef – in person.
Bring/give a treat to your local barista (s) (like an organic lollipop) since they’re always serving you.
Take your neighbour’s dog for a walk.
Offer to take out your neighbour’s recycling.
Bring 1-3 bouquets of flowers to a seniors retirement home and ask the staff to hand out a flower to the residents.
Head to the salvation army/second hand store and buy a whack load of mittens and scarves and toques and hand them out over the winter to the homeless.
Call a friend just to say you love them.
Offer to pay for the coffee for the person behind you.
Give a compliment to a random stranger.
Volunteer for a local organization.
Bring in homemade treats for your coworkers.
Stick a note on your neighbors door wishing them a good day.
Clean off someone’s car in the winter.
Donate your old books to a charity, daycare or under-funded community center.
Reach out to an old friend and remind them of a funny memory you share.
Say good morning to three random people on your way to work.
When you get good service at a restaurant, take a minute to tell their manager how pleased you were with your experience.
Share your umbrella with someone who doesn’t have one when walking in the rain.
Say thank you to the public transit driver before you get off the bus.
Thank a police officer for keeping your city safe.
Send a ‘just cuz’ letter to a friend (via snail mail) and thank them for being such a good friend.
Offer to babysit for a couple that could use a night out.
Cook dinner for your parents.
- Buy a meal or offer your leftovers to a homeless person.