How was work today? Do the kids need a bath? What’s your sign?
Does this banter sound familiar?
We all know that logistics are important in life. But it’s easy to get stuck in a rut in our relationships – romantic and otherwise. If you’re interested in deepening any relationship, you might want to check out these 36 Questions That Lead to Love. Not surprisingly, none of them are “What’s for dinner?”
36 Questions to Fall in Love
Based on a study by the psychologist Arthur Aron and others, this series of questions will foster mutual vulnerability in our relationships, which, they say, will lead to a deeper connection. Sometimes we forget to find out new information about the people that we know the best. When we anticipate how they will react, we may fail at keeping things fresh and exciting.
If you haven’t yet clicked over, let us tantalize you with some examples. Number 17: “What is your most treasured memory?” Number 29: “Share with your partner an embarrassing moment from your life.” These questions can help tune up an existing partnership or get to know someone new (and might inspire some giggles or tears in the process). There are some questions that might take a little extra thought, such as: “If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?”
It may seem a little intimidating, but if you’re up for the challenge with your lover, it’s an automatic date opportunity. Schedule in weekly coffee or lunch dates and make your way through the questions, or set aside some time before bed to cuddle up and chat. You’re also guaranteed to be rewarded with some unforgettable moments of connection.
Work through the questions from this link directly, or, you guessed it, there’s an app! Check it out on the website.
In the age of social media where we have more surface level connection through our screens and less true relationship building, maybe it’s time to shake things up with this Q&A to Fall in Love. Who knew we could use technology as a way to get closer rather than further apart?
Just call us romantics, but we believe in a thing called love.