Smooth Operator is brought to you this month by Vegan Proteins+ by Genuine Health
Doing some spring cleaning? As I rummage through clothes searching for more appropriate warmer-weather attire, I grin from ear-to-ear knowing I can finally hang up the big puffy down jacket in favour of a lighter layer. Then it hits me – there's likely another winter layer I could stand to lose.
If you're contemplating an internal spring clean-up and your system feels up for some lighter eating, this green smoothie was made for you. Crisp and juicy asian pear has a light sweet flavour that meshes well with lemon, lime and ginger. Highly digestible and chock full of green oxygenating chlorophyll, your liver will love you for helping to clean up any excess harmful cholesterol.
Now you can enjoy a superior source of all-natural vegetarian protein! With Vegan proteins+, you get a comprehensive formula containing the richest source of vegetarian proteins including non-GMO pea, sprouted brown rice, alfalfa, organic hemp and NEW potato protein isolate. Get your hands on the goods here.