This one’s for all the ladies in the house. Well, the ladies who are crampy, chocolate craving, emotional versions of themselves.
Go grab your hot water bottle and get comfortable. Lie down on the floor or a bed and make sure you can be fully extended, starfish-like. Your body needs some space at this time of month.
Allow yourself some room to relax and breathe deeply.
Your Meditation for Period Woes
Begin to visualize an orange light behind your eyelids. It can be any shade of orange, or multiple shades of orange. The colour of pumpkins, apricots, the centre of a flower.
Imagine this light being transferred to any part of your body that feels constricted or contracted.
Imagine the warmth of that light bathing each part of your body, lingering at the area below the navel.
Enjoy the colour orange.
This meditation helps you to get in touch with your second chakra, which, among other things, is related to the reproductive organs and is just perfect for this time of month.
When you are finished meditating, chant the word “Vam” three times, letting the vowel “a” draw out.
The rush of hormones makes us more sensitive to all our senses. Move into your day with awareness, allowing yourself space and breath whenever you need it.