Right now, at this point in history, it is enough to be just getting by. We don’t have to be better than we were before, we don’t have to be smarter or fitter or more mindful, we can just “be.”
Except just being is one definition of mindfulness.
Although challenging to define and quantify, “mindfulness” is enormously important. With positive effects on our overall well-being, its a state worth striving for.
But how does one really go about being mindful when it is tempting to stay distracted? Meditating for a couple of minutes a day doesn’t cut it. It’s about how you live your life day in and out.
Let’s dive into our list of 7 things mindful people do differently. Maybe you are already doing these, or they’ll give you something new to try in between streaming Dalgona coffee hacks.
Mindful People Forgive Themselves
Life comes with its challenges. (Hello, 2020!) We find ourselves avoiding what’s uncomfortable and doubting if we’re doing things right. (And if you haven’t felt this way yet this year, it is time to stop reading this article. You’ve GOT this.)
Those who regularly practice mindfulness realize that doubt and stress aren’t signs of failure. They see them as opportunities to learn.
Mindful people give themselves grace, and they try to understand what’s needed in such moments and the kindest route to begin again.
Mindful People Laugh at Themselves
Laughing at others can make you feel guilty. Laughing at yourself, on the other hand, is a spiritual practice. It can even boost your health!
To laugh at yourself, you need to be present, humble, and completely self-accepting. Whatever the situation is, you can choose to laugh over it.
Your brain will want to tell you what you’re doing is stupid, but your perspective toward life will be simpler and more beautiful. Plus, life comes with more ease for those that don’t sweat the small stuff.
Mindful People Take Walks
Our duties and obligations (or current lack thereof) distract us from essential things. How do we tap into our ability to connect with something we really value? How do we retrieve our capacity to wonder, our wisdom, and our creativity?
The answer is solvitur ambulando, or “it’s solved by walking” in Latin. Mindful people realize that taking a short walk can improve mental well-being.
The simple act of taking a stroll facilitates greater awareness, helps you gain a new perspective, and calms your mind. Plus, we don’t have to hear any “phase opening” talk to give ourselves permission.
Mindful People Engage in Positive Self-Talk.
Letting stress turn your thoughts against you is one of the most harmful things you can do. Your mind’s inner dialogue, or self-talk, should never be allowed to keep you focused on anxiety and fear.
Mindful people don’t allow the voice inside their heads to hold them back. They become aware of negative self-talk and turn it into an inspirational and happy inner dialogue.
Mindful People Do One Thing at a Time
The biggest enemy of focus is multitasking. If you’re living in a state of constant multitasking and divided attention, you’re unable to truly live in the present. It can even damage your brain.
Mindful individuals do not divide their attention. Instead, they focus on a single task until completion. Then, they take a break and move onto another task.
This allows them to accomplish their assignments quicker, and they’re less likely to make errors.
Mindful People Are Creative
Creativity and mindfulness go hand in hand. Practicing mindfulness improves creative thinking. Creative thinking, in turn, puts you in a state of heightened consciousness and awareness.
Many famous people, from Mario Batali to David Lynch, claim that meditation boosts their creativity.
Engage in your favourite creative practice, and you’ll get into a state of flow, with all your other thoughts quieting down. Even a bout of adult colouring can do the trick.
Mindful People Are Open to New Experiences
A by-product of living mindfully is the openness to new experiences. Mindful people prioritize peace of mind and living in the present. As such, they enjoy taking in the moments of pure joy and wonder.
Embark on new adventures whenever you can. A unique experience will help you embrace both your pleasant and painful emotions.
Even though the world seems closed, a new adventure awaits, from being brave enough to call someone you admire to trying a Tik Tok hack.
Stepping into the unknown awakens one’s senses. It teaches us how to smile even when things aren’t working out as they should.