The word “hangry” has become popular for a reason.
The Ayurvedic perspective that we should eat when we are hungry is hard to attain when we’re on the hamster wheel of life. We can go for some time on adrenaline, but eventually hunger makes itself known and smacks you in the face.
Replace the “m” on smacks and you have a solution to this everyday problem. Snacking is important for busy and active people.
Need some reasons why? We’ve got ‘em.
1. Smart Food Isn’t Just a Brand of Popcorn.
Your productivity is determined by what you eat and the brain deals very well with the right ratio of macronutrients in a day (protein, fats and carbs). In the courtroom, hungry judges gave harsher sentences. Don’t be a hungry judge.
2. Perky Times Don’t Have to Be Associated with coffee.
Although stimulants can help us to stay awake in case of emergency, it’s best to keep an even keel of energy with regular healthy snacks. This will maintain and boost your stamina in a balanced way. You may not even need that afternoon latte.
3. Constant Craving is a Great K.D. Lang Song but it Doesn’t Have to be Your Life.
If sugar is one of the strong forces in your life, it could be that you aren’t getting enough nutrition in the foods you are eating. Healthy, low sugar snacks can work as supplements to your healthy meals, allowing you to be less tempted by the daily sugar trumpet.
4. One Type of Sugar Should Be of Interest.
Keeping your blood sugar at optimal levels throughout the day may help to control the desire to overeat. Healthy snack choices, especially those that contain protein and healthy fats, can help to keep that blood sugar steady-as-she-goes.
5. Stick to It.
We aren’t talking about a gymnastic landing, but rather a healthy lifestyle. Everybody who has healthy intentions can do really well in the beginning, but if the goals are unrealistically calorie low, it’s just a matter of time before habits return to normal. Whether your goals are related to your weight, your fitness ability or your energy level, healthy and regular snacking can help you to get there.
6. Don’t Turn the U in Hungry into an A.
Keeping yourself satiated is a proven mood stabilizer. Sensible food choices can help to balance your hormones and your mood, making you a heck of a lot easier to hang out with.
Well, tuja, you may be thinking, that’s all well and good, but what should I eat? It’s as easy as 123, or 925 shall we say.
The Four925 balanced snack boxes with names like “The Fitlicious Foodie” and “Stuck At The Office Box” have wholesome nourishment with 25+ servings of snacks. Grace Dubery has even planned out a Yoga Box.
Feel free to be creative and plan your own!
If you want to take the work out of finding your daily calm and balance in the form of snacks, you can order your boxes here.
One step away from hangry is one step closer to world peace.