When we’re working out, we’re on a bit of a mission. Whether it’s pumping iron, getting over that hill in your spin class, or finally nailing crow pose, we do it to better ourselves (and that’s kick ass!).
But today, we challenge you to get out there and kindly support others on their own wellness journeys. Here are simple 6 ways:
1. Schedule a Fitness Date with a Friend
We all know someone who keeps saying they want to get back into the gym, or yoga, or cross-fit. Use that as an opportunity to connect and offer to take an intro class with them this week.
2. Be a Coach
Go out of your way to be encouraging to those who are just there. Give high fives to strangers during a workout or smile at people on their runs.
3. Make a Delicious Batch of Healthy Snacks
Bringing healthy treats to school, the office, or your next-door neighbours is not the only kind, but its also a gateway to connect and spark up a conversation about healthy living and eating.
4.Gift Someone a Fitness Class
Fitness classes make a great gift for friends and family on the yoga or spin fence. Alternatively, pick up a Swell water bottle for a friend, they’re amazing and will make anyone want to drink more water.
5. Make Room for Others
Be the first to make room for someone coming into a packed yoga class – it’ll instantly make them feel more welcome.
6. Make Use of Nature’s Gym
Take a friend and go explore the great outdoors – run, hike, bike, kayak, etc. It’s great for your body, mind, and soul.
Kindness acts like these deserve a group selfie. So get snapping and tag @tujawellness and #tujakindnesslove. Kind on, wellness warriors.